Neaux Reel Idea: Our Stay-Home Movie Mixtape, Vol. 1

March 22, 2020

Troubling times we’re living in, for sure. New Orleans has essentially shut down to halt the spread of COVID-19, the global pandemic that separates the true leaders from the whiny privileged, and that obliterated any doubt about the intentions of a certain 1% of people. Bars are closed, gatherings are greatly restricted, and life as […]

The Progressive’s Weekend: 10/5 – 10/7

October 5, 2018

Past policies, beyond bickering and right at the doorstep of our inner child, this is The Progressive’s Weekend! Almost everyone has had their eyes glued to C-SPAN and news channels following the conclusion and potential confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. Buried beneath it all, including new-ish revelations of President Trump’s questionable tax history, has been this […]

Neaux Reel Idea: ALL ABOUT NINA Review

October 2, 2018

Mary Elizabeth Winstead is no stranger to performing as  a survivor on film. A while back, she portrayed an alcoholic in Smash, a kidnappee in the midst of a global incident in 10 Cloverfield Lane, and the object of many a toxic relationship in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. She exudes an empathetic brokenness amid […]

Neaux Reel Idea: THE GOD INSIDE MY EAR Review

September 18, 2018

Few of the images in the opening montage of inner character visual turmoil play any kind of hand in the narrative of The God Inside My Ear. At one moment, there’s a boxer. At another, there’s a child in a field. Then a cloaked figure. Then some other shapes and objects. Quickly cut and intercut […]

Neaux Reel Idea: FORGOTTEN BAYOU Review

August 28, 2018

Being a Cajun myself - one associated with the culture through last name and my father’s past memories - the story of Bayou Corne, LA as presented in Forgotten Bayou is particularly heartbreaking. It represents a community that’s getting farther and farther away from me and a way of life I’ll never quite understand.

THE Events! for August 24th – 26th

August 24, 2018

Is it Friday? Again? Indeed. The end of the work week for a few, just another day for those over-worked folks who work weekends and/or unemployed folks. The artifice of "the weekend" gets us through with the promise of relaxation, despite the fact that we could just be mellow all the time, for that is within us all along.

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