
October 31, 2018

Join this week's featured fiction writer, Camille as she explores the horrors of Radiation on the human body and psyche.

The Progressive’s Weekend: 9/21 – 9/23

September 21, 2018

Past policies, beyond bickering and right at the doorstep of our inner child, this is The Progressive’s Weekend! With all of the hyperbole – earned and unearned – and rightful suspicions surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, joy at the end of the work week may feel sucked from your very soul. After all, what’s […]

Neaux Reel Idea: THE GOD INSIDE MY EAR Review

September 18, 2018

Few of the images in the opening montage of inner character visual turmoil play any kind of hand in the narrative of The God Inside My Ear. At one moment, there’s a boxer. At another, there’s a child in a field. Then a cloaked figure. Then some other shapes and objects. Quickly cut and intercut […]

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