Opinion: Kratom Ban: A Bad Idea

April 28, 2023

My name is Charles, I’m 37, and I wanted to reach out about the potential kratom ban in Louisiana. I live in New Orleans, and grew up in St Charles Parish, so to start off I am a local! I have been taking kratom for about five years and I have had no alarming side […]

The Role Of Kratom In Pain Relief

November 5, 2020

If you keep up with the latest trends in the health and wellness industry, you could not have missed the name Kratom. From pain relieving balms to ointments to fight acne, Kratom is being used in a diverse range of products. Naturally, the question that has been arising is, what is Kratom, and does it […]

Can Kratom Help You Sleep? Top Strains & Dosage Guide

July 6, 2020

Disclaimer. None of the descriptions given on this site have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  Many people all over the world have confessed to having sleeping problems. Doctors recommend an adult to sleep for an eight-hour sleep a night.  Surprisingly, more than 40% of the American population sleep less than the recommended hours. […]

What is Kratom?

December 9, 2019

Mitragyna Speciosa, better known as just ‘kratom’ is a tropical and evergreen plant that belongs to the coffee family. It grows naturally in the humid environment of Southeast Asia. Countries like Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea happen to be the biggest growers of this herb.   For ages, these countries would use kratom […]

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