No Daylight – 4

September 19, 2018

*This is part 4 of a 5 part series.     I came back to my apartment with the same nervous feeling that had come over me when I’d arrived from Caroline’s earlier in the day. When I walked down the hallway to my door, I got the sudden impulse to not open it. I […]


September 12, 2018

*The Following Poem appears in a short book by Nolan Storey called “Chaotic Hope.”  It can be purchased at Blue Cypress Books.     A Cat is a secret keeper, She’ll give none of yours away. A cat is a friend in sorrow, She’ll share your burdens any day. A cat is there when times […]

No Daylight – 3

September 12, 2018

*This is part 3 of a 5 part series.   I woke up with a gun on my lap and the sound of my ceiling fan rotating overhead. Morning light had begun to peak through the edges of my closed blinds. For no reason at all, I looked through the peep hole in my door, […]

Cold as Comfort

September 5, 2018

  Cold is important. I only truly feel alive when it’s cold outside. When it’s cold, I can bundle up.  I can add layers to warm myself. I can commiserate with others and hold them close.   When it’s hot and humid, I can only push others away. I want to escape my skin. The […]

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