New Orleans Homeland Security Leader Shared Facebook Posts Glorifying Violence Against Protesters

June 16, 2020

A high-ranking employee with the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (NOHSEP) recently made social media posts glorifying violence against protesters. One post joked openly about shooting them.  Adam Brickeen is Communications Chief for the New Orleans Real-Time Crime Center, according to his LinkedIn profile. Brickeen is also NOHSEP liaison for the […]

New Orleans to Consolidate COVID19 Testing Sites as Gov. Edwards Extends Stay at Home Order

March 30, 2020

On Monday, the New Orleans Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness (NOHSEP) office announced that the city will consolidate it’s two city-run drive-through COVID-19 testing sites down to a single site. “In the last few days, testing demand has slowed,” said NOHSEP Director Collin Arnold. However, that doesn’t mean that New Orleans residents should […]

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