Could Judge Jennifer Medley Sign the Recall Petition and Still Hear the Case?

March 9, 2023

Political naysayers were all atwitter about announcement’s Wednesday, March 8, that Civil District Court Judge Jennifer Medley may have signed the recall petition and yet ruled on the lawsuit filed by leaders against Louisiana Secretary of State Kyle Ardoin and Registrar of Voters Dr. Sandra Wilson. sued for the right to […]

Names of Petition Signers in NOLAtoya Recall Campaign Remain Secret

February 9, 2023

Leaders of the movement to recall Mayor LaToya Cantrell won a major victory against the Times Picayune/New Orleans Advocate in Civil District Court on Wednesday, February 8 which will keep the names of signers out of public view until after the campaign is completed on February 22. By that date organizers expect to have secured […]

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