LA State Rep. Mandie Landry Is Unapologetic in Her Fight for the Rights of Sex Workers

March 31, 2021

Working within the conservative Republican-controlled Louisiana Legislature, it hasn’t been easy for a progressive first-term female Democrat like State Representative Mandie Landry to pass legislation vital to her constituents’ quality of life. But that hasn’t stopped Landry from preparing an aggressive 2021 legislative agenda that will address several important issues. At the top of Landry’s […]

State Representative Mandie Landry Fights to Decriminalize Prostitution

March 7, 2021

Prostitution is one of the most dangerous professions in the world. In most of the United States, sex work is unregulated, thus denying rights that accrue to other workers. With sex work criminalized, workers are reluctant to report crimes committed against them. Sex trafficking is more pervasive than many people care to acknowledge. According to the World […]

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