Black Families Suffer More Childbirth Deaths

February 23, 2023

Racial health disparities still exist for Black women who have recently become mothers and their newborns. New research published in January 2023 by the National Bureau of Economic Research shows that the richest mothers and their newborns are the most likely to survive the year after childbirth except when the child is black. The study […]

Roux, Racism, and Reality

September 24, 2020

The Civil Rights Dream is deja vu in the Deep South. In Louisiana we have great food, good drinks, and nice racism. The kind of racism that manifests itself in the, “you are nice looking for a black boy,” way. The kind of racism that admits, “I have black friends.” We have cultivated on the […]

Mayor Latoya Cantrell Releases Open Letter on Protests, Hospitality Worker Demonstrations

June 17, 2020

NEW ORLEANS — Mayor LaToya Cantrell today released the following open letter regarding peaceful protests in the City and demonstrations by local hospitality workers: An Open Letter, from Mayor LaToya Cantrell: To the people of New Orleans: We are at a pivotal moment when systematic racism, structural inequality and a global pandemic have converged to challenge […]


June 8, 2020

Chokehold Choke + Hold Hold + Choke A Knee to the Throat ? + ? These words, and their combinations, flashed across our screens, news cameras, and even print news in droves this week. It’s about time. Talking about time, in 1963, James Baldwin wrote about the murder of a middle-age woman in at the […]

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