City Council Unanimously Votes to Ban Use of Tear Gas on Protestors and Halt Proposed Construction of Phase III Jail Facility

September 18, 2020

The vote follows the Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition’s months-long push to ban the use of the chemical weapon and years of advocating against jail expansion. New Orleans, LA, September 17, 2020—The Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition (OPPRC) has put out the following statement after today’s City Council meeting, where council members unanimously voted to […]

Editorial Board Round Table on the NOPD’s Use of Chemical Weapons Against the People of New Orleans on June 3, 2020.

June 9, 2020

In the aftermath of World War I, in 1925 world leaders met to come to an agreement to ban the use of chemical and biological weapons during warfare. It wasn’t until 1975 when the United States ratified the agreement in accordance with the 1925 Geneva Protocol. However, the United States made exceptions for the use […]

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