Trump’s Assassination of Top Iranian General is an Act of War Reversing Years of Progress

January 4, 2020

Trump’s decision to carry out the assassination of Iran’s top general is a very poorly calculated and dangerous action against a country that posed no imminent threat to our national security. After making headway with the Iran nuclear deal under the Obama administration, objectively suppressing Iran’s capacity to build a nuclear arsenal, we have gone […]

My Father’s Vote For Trump

December 14, 2019

In late November 2016 my parents were visiting us for my son’s birthday. It was one week after Donald Trump won the Presidential election. My nerves were shot, optimism gone, and a fearful panic of the next four years consumed my thoughts. But not my Dad’s. My father was an English Literature Professor, for 37 […]

Republicans Rallying Behind Governor Edwards Despite Trump’s Support of Rispone; Ralph Abraham’s Family Member Donates to Governor John Bel Edwards

November 15, 2019

It’s no secret that Governor John Bel Edwards has enjoyed substantial crossover support from notable conservatives such as Newell Normand, former sheriff of Jefferson Parish, and former Republican primary rivals, Jay Dardenne and Scott Angelle. That’s right. Despite the senior  Republican Senator David Vitter running for Governor initially against Governor John Bel Edwards, both Republican […]

New Report Predicts 280 Million People to be Displaced as a Result of Climate Change

August 30, 2019

According to a newly released report by the United Nation’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), catastrophic superstorms combined with rising sea levels could result in hundreds of millions of people from coastlines around the world to be displaced. The findings represent a “special report” on the Earth’s frozen zones, or cryosphere. A draft of […]

U.N. Responds to Trump with Laughter

September 25, 2018

Today, Trump’s past comments about how America is being laughed at, finally came true. During a speech to the UN, as Trump spoke about nationalism, patriotism, and his “accomplishments” to the United Nations General Assembly, he quickly failed at his attempt as a statesmen, and instead became an unintentional stand-up comedian bragging that: “In less than two years, […]

Working (Without) Prosperity

July 31, 2018

If you’ve been paying attention to the news, you’ve probably heard that the United States is in the middle of a new prosperous age. But to the nearly 80 percent of Americans who are still living paycheck to paycheck, those numbers and victory laps can feel a like a slap in the face. How is it that a large portion of the U.S. population is getting left behind in this age of prosperity?

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