Pro-Palestine Protesters Face Trial as Over 40 Organizations Demand Charges Be Dropped

September 13, 2024

In a growing show of solidarity, over 40 organizations have signed a resolution supporting pro-Palestine protesters from Tulane and Loyola Universities. These protesters, many of whom were involved in peaceful demonstrations against Tulane University’s ties with Israel, are set to face trial on September 20th at Orleans Parish Criminal Court. The resolution calls for District […]

“Green Activist” Investor and Former Tulane Trustee Board Member, Chris James, Pushes Toxic Grain Elevator in Majority Black Community

June 4, 2021

Financial news was set ablaze last week when upstart hedge fund Engine No. 1 won at least two seats on Exxon’s board, siphoning shareholder votes–including backing from BlackRock–in their climate change-focused proxy battle. Chris James, Engine No. 1’s founder, was hailed as a victorious, environmental activist, securing industry recognition and what Matt Levine from Bloomberg […]

5 Top Ranked Universities in the New Orleans Area

December 2, 2020

So, you’ve decided to uproot your life and relocate to New Orleans for your college education. If you’re not a native New Orleanian, moving out-of-state for college can pose some unexpected challenges. These include leaving your friends and family behind, missing out on many family gatherings, potentially rattling culture shock, tuition hikes, and the arduous […]

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