Louisiana Reps Vote Against Violence Against Women Act at NRA’s Urging

April 8, 2019

Last week, the House of Representatives voted to reauthorize the 25-year-old Violence Against Women Act, which helps to fund programs for survivors of domestic and sexual abuse. But just one month after celebrating women during Women’s History Month, all of Louisiana’s Republican representatives joined most other House Republicans in voting against the reauthorization, at the […]

Nancy Pelosi: Speaker Once Again

January 3, 2019

On a day when the historic 116th Congress – made up with over 100 new female representatives – took to work, Nancy Pelosi regained the gavel for the second time as Speaker of the House. Pelosi was re-elected with 220 votes, while 12 Democrats voted for other candidates like Stacey Abrams and John Lewis. The […]

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