Neaux Reel Idea: All Skinfolk A’int Kinfolk Review

February 23, 2020

Prior to the opening title appearing on screen for short documentary All Skinfolk A’int Kinfolk, a brief video clip is shown of a WWLTV debate between three candidates running for Mayor of New Orleans in 2017: Council Member LaToya Cantrell, Former Chief Judge Desiree Charbonnet, and Former Civil District Court Judge Michael Bagneris. The moderator […]

Women Owned and Operated Businesses: Critical to New Orleans

September 1, 2018

I feel lucky to have found other female entrepreneurs all over this city to inspire my efforts. All of these said entrepreneurs have dealt with setbacks and tribulations connected to their gender. Though they don’t deserve an ounce of their adversity, all of the women I spoke with push through these times, and work to keep themselves, and fellow females standing tall.

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